Friday, December 7, 2012

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

October 2012 Japan Newspaper Publishers

The Japan Newspaper Publishers & Editors Association selected as one of its official slogans the phrase, "Write articles that make good use of voices that are being suppressed," which was originally written by Yoshiharu Oiwake, a resident of Iwaki, Fukushima Prefecture, from among numerous entries.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Monday, August 6, 2012

Thursday, May 3, 2012

The Pyrolysis of the Spent Fuel Rods at Fukushima


 In my view, the challenge with bio-fuels, is how to insulate the food market, both locally and globally from the effect of fuel competition ?. The main problem can come with, the amount of agricultural land, that may be required, for the production of Bio-Fuel !. This can produce completion pressures which can cause a rise in food prices !. Algae may well provide a solution, though scaling up is likely to be a real challenge ! As might continuity of supply ?.

A key problem with energy supply is the shear quantity modern developing markets require. This can produce economy of sale problems, leading to too small a return for the required monetary input !.  For this reason finding a specialist local market for small scale or initial production, could prove a vital life-line !

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Fukushima and Beyond ?.

A view based on observations made via internet content !.

 It is now almost thirteen months since the Earthquake, that apparently triggered the Fukushima Emergency !. At the start of this situation, assurances were given, by many, that everything was OK, and that the Reactors had closed down, and posed no appreciable threat !. Since then there has been a number of explosions, but a far as can be seen, none of these explosions have been Nuclear in nature, but have been of a conventional nature, this resulting in a spreading of Nuclear, radioactive materials, beyond the confines of the Nuclear site !.  This appears to have resulted in the Contamination of a wide area, including many pubic places !

 The Contamination appears to be  of a variable type, and includes many Hot-Spots !. While many appear to detect the contamination at various places across the Globe, the Risks posed appear to be somewhat controversial, though the Numbers given appear to suggest a very real threat, to health and life !.

 The Spent Fuel Stores, in which the Spent Fuel Rods are kept immersed in Water, to both cool them and stop them from oxidising, and producing Hydrogen gas !. Appear to be vulnerable to disruption by a further substantial earthquake ! The Spent Fuel Stores at Daiichi Reactors 1, 2, 3, and 4 are apparently all considered vulnerable !.  The condition of these store might make the removal of the Spent Fuel Rods problematic ! While find suitable alternative storage might also be problematic !. But over a year has now past, and this appears to be developing into a Long Emergency !.  The Daiichi, no 4 Reactor was fueled with Mox, Mixed Oxide Fuel, and it is understood that it was undergoing refueling on March 11th 2011 when the incident occurred and that its New Fuel Rods are in it’s Spent Reactor Store !. This in itself may mean that Reactor  4’s Spent Fuel Store poses a Greater risk than the other stores ?. There is also said to be a Common Fuel Pool which is said to be located at ground level, whereas the other Spent Fuel stores are located above the Reactors at the top of the Reactor buildings !.

 The issue of harm is clearly a complex one, and this is made even more complex by the fact that the expert opinion tends to divide into one or two camps !. That is to say For or Against !. At the same time a vast collection of information exists, but much of this requires expert interpretation !.

 At the end of the day Nuclear will not go away !. It will be with us for thousands of years !. So there is a future need to have experts with the knowledge and skills as well as practical experience, to deal with future situations !.

 The Current Culture in relation to Nuclear Technology, appears somewhat wanting !. This appears to be compounded by the fact that Civil Nuclear Power, is to a large extent the child of the Military Industrial Complex, and as such appears to bring with it Millitary Values !. Particularly in relation to risk !

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Hinkley Point nuclear power stations and the proposed development at Hinkley Point C.

Japan and Radiation

 It is good to see radioactivity information, been made available to the general public !.
As it will go some way, to allowing people to personally manage their exposure, to radiation !. 
This should contribute to public safety.
I trust it will be kept up to date, as that will increase its public value !. That might contribute to, the Commercial use of Nuclear Energy, being perceived as being less of a general threat !.

Links to external websites, at:
Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT)

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Links to external websites, carrying news on Fukushima January 2012

Knowing !.

 The events last year (2011), in Japan, and the continual unfolding of the aftermath, raises some very important questions about the future of Nuclear Power ?. In particular about its use in the Civil spear ?

 There has now been some Three major events over a number of decades, and each of these events have involved the spread of contamination outside the footprint of the sites involved. Giving the increase in numbers of nuclear sites, then there must surely be an increase in risk, to the public at large !.

 Is it not now time to address the implications of this as a matter of urgency ?

From a British point of view we seem to have a situation, not unlike that experienced in the Industrial Revolution, where machinery existed and operated without Guards and Emergency stops !. While this may not be the case on nuclear sites, there appears to be a disconnect, when leakages reach outside their site footprints !

 This surely demands the provision of a monitoring system which acts in real time and is both sensitive and quickly reactive in detecting a wide range of contaminants, and ranking the risks in regards to particular geographical areas, perhaps much like mobile phone cells, in regards to the geographical area footprint !

 This would then provide the civilian population, that is to say the public at large, the opportunity to make decisions, based on reliable information !. Rather than having to rely on speculation, and suspicion !.

 If this cannot be done then the future of Nuclear Power, can come into doubt !. Interest groups who are opposed to nuclear, for a variety of reasons, may seek to block its operation, without regard to the consequences !.  This could well happen as the shock of what happened in Japan wears off, and the form and scale, of the disruption, risk and harm, becomes apparent !.

Links To external websites relating to Japan

The Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA)

Situation and response of JAEA to the Great East Japan Earthquake


The IAEA is the world's center of cooperation in the nuclear field.

Nuclear Energy Handbook    re: Japan

The World Nuclear Association is the international organization that promotes nuclear energy and supports the many companies that comprise the global nuclear industry.

Nuclear research centres

Westinghouse Electric Company provides fuel, services, technology, plant design, and equipment to utility and industrial customers in the worldwide commercial nuclear electric power industry.

Westinghouse Electric Company has a long-standing commitment to excellence in commercial nuclear reactor technology.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Knowing and Nuclear !.

 The events last year, in Japan, and the continual unfolding of the aftermath, raises some very important questions, about the future of Nuclear Power ?. In particular about its use in the Civil spear ?

 Across the Globe there has now been some "Three major events" over a number of decades, and each of these events have involved the spread of contamination outside the footprint of the sites involved !. Giving the increase in numbers of nuclear sites, then there must surely be an increase in risk, to the public at large !.

 Is it not now time to address the implications of this as a matter of urgency ?

 From a British point of view we seem to have a situation, not unlike that experienced in the Industrial Revolution, where machinery existed and operated without Guards and Emergency stops !. While this may not be the case on nuclear sites, there appears to be a disconnect, when leakages reach outside their site footprints !. In this regard Nuclear appears to impose an ongoing threat to the general public, a threat to which the public, is not equipt to respond, in any constructive way !.

 This surly demands the provision of a monitoring system which acts in real time and is both sensitive, and quickly reactive, in detecting a wide range of contaminants, and ranking the risk,s in regards to particular geographical areas !. Perhaps much like mobile phone cells, in regards to the geographical area footprint !

 This would then provide the civilian population, that is to say the public at large, the opportunity to make decisions, based on reliable information !. Rather than having to rely on speculation, and suspicion !.

 If this cannot be done then the future of Nuclear Power, can come into doubt !. Interest groups who are opposed to nuclear, for a variety of reasons, may seek to block its operation, without regard to the consequences !.  This could well happen as the shock of what happened in Japan wears off, and the form and scale of the disruption, risk, and harm, becomes apparent !.

 There is also a potential for possible trouble for people in and around Japan, in response to what has been experienced, and in particular  the impact on the Japaneses sense of Face !. In this regard I would draw parallels with Palestine and the emergence of the PLO. Reports have circulated of activities in Japan titled "Lets all Die Together "!.

 My point being in all this is that ignorance can be the root of discontent and superstition !. The way to address this appears to be to address ignorance, and put the spacial issues on the public table, for all to see !. Ignorance and uncertainty can also underpin feelings, which can lead to Panic !.

 These issues are by their nature very complex, and one might say, they require to be addressed in a way that is, both precise and technical, but it is also clear that this can be constrained by accounting and economic considerations !. However it is hard to escape the view, that urgent action is required, before there is another, that is Fourth event of major significance !. Such action could go some way to ensuring the lights stay on and the poor are able to afford at least some electrical power !.