Tuesday, January 7, 2014

UK Wind Farms Paid not to Generate Electricity & Fell Trees to Build More

"Unfortunately for UK residents, wind farms are being erected faster than the National Grid can absorb the electricity they produce. According to the National Grid, the ‘constraint payment’ system is needed to balance supply and demand and the money that wind farms receive makes up only a small proportion of ‘constraint payments’ made to electricity generators."

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UK Wind Farms Paid not to Generate Electricity & Fell Trees to Build More

Friday, July 26, 2013

What's Smart ?

 Is it not the case, that the Development or otherwise of the Smart Grid, is likely to be lead by Market Considerations ?. Will this not mean that the Grid will become Engineered, towards this end ?. Is it not also the case, that some sort of paralleling in Grid supply, is likely to develop. Meaning that there could well develop, a choice of actual connections !. Some virtual, and some physical !.. While at the same time,  Elephants in the room, are likely to be the Off-Grid, and small self powering items ?.

Grid, Heal Thyself ENGINEERING.com

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Grid, Heal Thyself ENGINEERING.com